Wildflowers and Streambeds

MAY 10 2023 6:00 PM

Eden Valley Refuge , Clinton County

Event Summary

Welcome to the 1st of many WILDNESS outings to help collect natural items and find inspiration for this new and exciting art project at Clinton County Conservation areas brought to you by local artist Gabi Torres (www.gbart.studio). On this particular outing we will go on a short hike to identify some of the unique spring wildflowers and their uses and if you like, you can bring your water shoes/boots to wade in Bear Creek to find crushable rocks to make the various pigments that Gabi will use to paint during her 6-week residency at the Cabin at Miss Elk Ton in November/December.  If you would like to be the first to know about pop-up events and to be a part of this process, from collecting to making art, send a text to naturalist Jess at 563-212-0955. Other planned excursions are June 17th, July 5th and August 17th.

