Creature Camp (completed 2-3)
JUN 22 2021 9:30 AM
Event Summary
22nd - 24th ~ Creature Camp ~ 9:30 AM-2:30 PM ~ Rock Creek ~ Children who have completed second and third grade will spend these summer days learning about Iowa’s wildlife and the awesome adaptations they have that help them survive. Cost is $50 and registration required online. Visit for more details and to register your child. Registration deadline is June 7th.
Child - $50.00
Youth Camps
Related Items
- Health Form Please fill out and send either via email, or mail, CCCB Attn: Jill Schmidt, PO Box 68, Grand Mound, IA 52751
- Waiver Form Please fill out and send either via email, or mail, CCCB Attn: Jill Schmidt, PO Box 68, Grand Mound, IA 52751
- Covid Disclaimer Please fill out and send either via email, or mail, CCCB Attn: Jill Schmidt, PO Box 68, Grand Mound, IA 52751