Child vs Wild (completed 4-5)
JUL 23 2024 9:30 AM
Event Summary
This hands -on camp will involve many outdoor skills such as paddling, air rifle, archery, building fires and catching critters! Be prepared to be outside and moving! We will spend a lot of time on and in the river exploring! Forms are due upon registration via email at You are allowed to sign up for ONE camp per age group per child. If forms are not received by the registration close date (6/28) your child will be prohibited from participating and the spot will open up for someone on the waiting list. We need that information to plan accordingly!
Special Regulations
if I do not send in my completed forms by email or mail in two weeks, I will forfeit my child's camp spot.
Child - $60.00
Youth Camps
Related Items
- Waiver Due upon registration
- Medical Form Due upon registration