Kanoe Kids Summer Camp 5 (12-14 year olds)
JUL 22 2014 9:30 AM
Event Summary
This is a three-day, and one night canoe exploration to teach kids the basics of paddling and them down the Wapsipinicon River exploring sandbars along the way! Float your canoe, set up camp and sleep under the stars this summer! The first day, Tuesday, July 22, 2014, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM, will be held at Rock Creek Campground and Marina for canoe instruction, making meals (all food provided) and other tips for the trip, day two and three (Wednesday, July 23rd at 9:30 AM - Thursday, July 24th at 2:30 PM) will be on the Wapsi River. Please pay the $30 on this site with a debit or credit card, do not send a check. If a guardian would like to volunteer please call Jess or Jill at 563-847-7202.
Child - $30.00
Youth Camps
Related Items
- Waiver Form for summer camp Please print off, fill out, and return to Jessica Steines
- Medical Form