Creature Camp 2 for K-2nd Graders
JUN 21 2016 9:30 AM
Event Summary
Creature Camp 2 ~ 9:30 AM-2:30 PM ~ Rock Creek ~ Children ages 6-8 years of age will enjoy learning about different wildlife that inhabit Iowa and their unique ways of life! Camp cost is $45 and registration is required. Visit for more details and to register your child. Deadline for registration is June 1st.
This camp 2 is the same camp as camp 1. Please only register for one or the other.
Do not send a check or cash! You must register online because there is a limited amount of spots available and this website keeps track of attendees. There are no refunds.
Child - $45.00
Youth Camps
Related Items
- Camp Waiver Please sign and send to CCCB, Attn: Jessica Steines, PO Box 68, Grand Mound IA 52751
- Medical Form Please fill out and send to CCCB, Attn: Jessica Steines, PO Box 68, Grand Mound IA 52751