10 AM-2 PM ~ Mushroom Foray ~ Sherman Park ~ The Prairie States Mushroom Club, in partnership with Clinton County Conservation, will host a mushroom foray Saturday, August 6th, 10 AM at Sherman Park. CCCB canoes and volunteers will be on hand to ferry those foragers who wish to cross the Wapsi and foray in the woods around the Wapsi River EE Center. Picnicking and fungi identification by knowledgeable PSMC members will follow the foray. Canoes will remain available during the afternoon for recreation on the river at Sherman Park if water levels and weather are appropriate.
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Mushroom Foray
Saturday, August 6, 2011 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Special Events
Please complete the following information and we'll email this link to your friend. Mushroom Foray Clinton , Sherman Park