Halloween Hike - Monarch Heaven

OCT 19 2014 3:00 PM

Forest Park Museum , Dallas County

Event Summary

This year’s version of DCCB’s Halloween Hike invites you to join us on the biggest hike we have ever taken you on – all the way to north-central Mexico! Over the past years we have tagged monarchs with you in the prairies of Dallas County and shared with you the miracles of the monarchs’ migrations. Our common Dallas County wilds are a place of magic because of the monarch’s story written there.     One story we have not been able to share with you is the story of the monarchs’ wintering grounds in the transvolcanic mountain range of north central Mexico. This monarch sanctuary, some 3oo square miles of heaven for migrating monarchs serves as the home for monarchs from the 3.5 million square miles of monarch habitat in North America. The sheer numbers of monarchs alone is a miracle, but the story is even more amazing than the numbers.    

This year DCCB, because of a friend, Karen Phelps, Naturalist with Benton CCB, will be able to hike you all the way to this monarch heaven in Mexico for our annual Halloween Hike. Join us as Karen shares the images and experiences of her trek to the wintering grounds of our monarch miracles. Journey with Karen to the destination of that monarch you held in your hand in a Dallas County prairie at one of our tagging events and complete the story of the migration. Registration is required for this program.




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