Winter Solstice Sunrise Celebration
DEC 21 2011 7:00 AM
Event Summary
Does the frenetic pace of holiday life have you feeling disillusioned, adrift, lost? We may have just what you need. Join us for a predawn bonfire and a celebration of the winter solstice sunrise at Hanging Rock Conservation Area on Wednesday, December 21, at 7:00 am.
The Latin roots for solstice, SOL– sun and SISTERE– to cause to stand still, reflect the intent of our invitation to you. We wish to provide an opportunity to stand still, go to calm, be quiet. By marking the sun’s rising on this solstice morning, we invite you to experience a sense of participation in the cyclic interaction of the earth and sky. Shed for a moment on this morning the pace of “cultural “ time and reside in the real pace of “nature’s” time, driven by the cycle of the seasons.
No registration required.