Owls of Dallas County
JAN 17 2012 7:00 PM
Event Summary
These winged, nocturnal predators are a great starting point for your 2012 wild studies. Of the many species of North American owls, which species call our wilds home? What are the visual clues that help to distinguish one species of owl from another? Along with the common species of owls in Dallas County, what are some unusual winter visitors you should keep your eye out for? We will introduce you to the owls of your place and also examine the unique adaptations that allow these winged wonders to hunt the night prairies and woodlands? This program will feature live owls that have been injured and rehabilitated, but can not be returned to the wilds, and now serve as teachers to help us understand owlness in our wilds. Armed with your new owl wisdom you can better understand our wilds and consider joining us for our annual owl prowl programs. Registration is required for this free program.