Kids Science Expo & Usborne Book Fair: National Fossil Day!
OCT 07 2017 11:00 AM
Event Summary
Come to the Starr's Cave Nature Center anytime between 11am and 2pm on Saturday, October 7th to take part in this FREE event celebrating National Fossil Day.
Several hands on activities will be available for kids of all ages. Learn about fossils and Iowa’s past by walking through the prehistoric forest, hatching your own dinosaur eggs, and much more!
Before you leave be sure to check out all the amazing books available for sale from Usborne Books. A portion of every book sold will go to Des Moines County Conservation to help the Starr's Cave Nature Center purchase educational books!
No registration is required. Call the Nature Center at (319) 753-5808 for more information.We look forward to seeing you there!
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