Radon program
JAN 08 2015 7:00 PM
Event Summary
Do you think you don’t have to worry about lung cancer since
you don’t smoke?
is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in the United
States, killing about 21,000 Americans each year. January is National Radon
Action Month, and the Dickinson County Conservation Board is encouraging you to
protect yourself and your family by getting your house tested.
is National Radon Action Month,
in that winter is the best time to test your home for radon,” said Karess
Knudtson, environmental education coordinator. “People need to know their
radon number. We know many other numbers when it comes to our health --- blood
pressure, cholesterol, etc. Your home radon number is no exception.
If radon is present, there are mitigation measures that you can take to make
your home a healthier environment. By offering an informational program
and testing kits for sale in the Nature Store within the nature center, we are
here to help.”
more about radon at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 8, at the Dickinson County Nature
Center in Okoboji. Knudtson will talk about the dangers of the gas and how to
test for it in your home; then you can pick up a radon testing kit in the
Nature Store for only $6.
is an invisible and odorless gas that enters homes through cracks in a lower
level. According to the American Lung Association, radon forms when uranium
breaks down to radium and then to form radon. As radon decays, it releases
radioactive byproducts that can cause cancer with prolonged exposure.
one in five homes has a problem with radon, but the only way to know if it
affects your home is to test for it. Radon could affect you and none of your
neighbors or all of your neighbors and not you --- you have to test!
short-term test is set out to absorb and track radon in a building. It is then
sealed and sent to a lab for analysis. If you have unsafe levels of radon, an
EPA- or state-certified contractor can help mitigate the problem.
more information about the radon program or the Dickinson County Conservation
Board, call 712-336-6352 or visit www.dickinsoncountynaturecenter.com.