Dutch Oven, Campfire Cooking & Meat Smoking
SEP 24 2022 1:00 PM
Event Summary
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022 Location: Shelter 1 Area Campsites 39-40, Brigg’s Woods Park, Webster City, IA Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Have you ever wanted to cook over a campfire or with a Dutch oven? Come and enjoy these hands-on activities as you learn the basics of campfire cooking with foil wraps, pie cookers, Dutch ovens, cast iron pans, or grilling over a campfire. Our Hamilton County Naturalist will share the basics of outdoor cooking, Dutch Oven cooking, and meat smoking with you. We will share recipes and enjoy food samples at the program. Feel free to bring your own Dutch oven and food to share. Park in the parking lot by the canoe access and walk over to campsites 39-40 and join us. Register on www.mycountyparks.com so we can plan for the amount of food prepared. Questions call John Laird at 515-297-0423 or jlaird@hamiltoncounty.org