Ice Fishing Talk / Tour Hickory Cabin

Event Summary

Join us for a tour of the Hickory Cabin and a talk on ice fishing. The hickory Cabin is located across from the bike trail by the Barn Shelter in Brigg's Woods Park. Due to the low lake level and the ice conditions we will tour Hickory Cabin and have only a talk on ice fishing. We will walk down the hillside behind the cabin to view the current lake level. The lake level is slowly coming up after the lake improvement project last fall. Brigg's Woods Lake had fish habitat structure placements put in the lake and a new golf course pump house was installed. The lake was lowered for these projects to be completed and the lake has been slow to refill due to the lack of rain. Cabin rental information, fishing information, coffee, and hot cocoa will be available. We can also enjoy a coffee and conversation about the Hamilton County Conservation Naturalist Program. Register online at Questions contact John Laird at 515-297-0423. 

