On Your Own Option Boone River Clean Up Weekend
AUG 03 2024 7:00 AM
Event Summary
If you would rather Clean Up the Boone River from Riverside Park to Briggs Woods Park on your own this is an option. If the Boone River is to low for our organized Boone River Clean Up on Saturday August 3 this may be an option for you.
We will have two dump sites for you to sort and place what you pick up out of the Boone River. There will be one dumpster at the Canoe Access at the end of Ohio Street in Webster City before the 7B Ranch. The second dumpster will be at the Canoe Access at Briggs Woods Park.
Both dumpsters are sponsored by The Trashman of Webster City.
This is for Saturday August 3 and Sunday August 4, 2024 Only. (7 am to 9 pm both days)
Sort what you pick up out of the Boone River and place in two piles.
1) scrap metal
2) tires
Every thing else goes in the dumpster.
We will have signs designating where to pile the scrap metal and tires.
John Laird, Naturalist at 515-297-0423 jlaird@hamiltoncounty.org
Susan Schmitz, ISU Ext, Webster City at 515-832-9597 sschmitz@iastate.edu