Fly Tying and Fly Fishing
OCT 15 2013 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Course Dates: October 15 & 16, 2013
Course Times: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm each day
Location: Conservation Office, Briggs Woods Park, Webster City
Fly tying and Fly fishing from A to Z!
Bring all your questions and frustrations to be aided and answered by an old biologist with over 60 years of experience.
The two days of instruction on tying and casting should give new insight on the sport.
Fly Tying Supplies to bring with to the class:
- Vise
- Bobbin
- Thread
- Scissors
- Hooks
- Feathers
- Hair
- Chenille
- Yarn
- Fly Head Cement (clear fingernail polish)
- Fly Rod
- Single Action Reel with line matched to rod
- Leader
Adults - $80.00
Special Events