Building Better Birders and Citizen Scientist Workshop: Raptors and Migratory Birds
MAY 28 2021 6:00 PM
Event Summary
Register for the opportunity to join Kelly McKay (BioEco Research and Monitoring Center), Mark Roberts (Clinton County Conservation), and Brian Ritter (Nahant Marsh Education Center) at Calkins Nature Area on May 28th and 29th for a Building Better Birders and Citizen Scientists Workshop. Their programming will be based around the Raptors and Warblers of Iowa. This event is free to attend, it is HIGHLY interactive, and it is great for all ages. If you have any interest in birding, hawks, owls, or migratory avian species at all this is a MUST ATTEND event for you. We are lucky enough to work with this group thanks to funding provided by the Resource Enhancement and Protection – Conservation Education Program (REAP-CEP). Calkins staff members will be assisting with the event but the experts in the field of ornithology will have the lead on programming. We will be supplemental to their vast amount of knowledge on all things related to birds. We hope you can join us! If you are interested in the event, here are some things to know for scheduling purposes:
May 28th 6 pm to 10 pm Raptor Talk, Live Raptor Presentation (Calkins Staff), and an Evening Owl Prowl through the forest.
May 29th 7 am to 1 pm Morning Bird Hike, Warbler Talk, Warbler Hike along the river.