Creepy Campground
OCT 14 2017 3:00 PM
Event Summary
Bring your little ghosts, superheroes and monsters to trick-or-treat through the campground from 3-5 p.m. This is great for younger children and is not meant to be scary. Children must be accompanied by an adult; please do not bring pets during trick-or-treating. Stop by the large shelter to decorate a cookie to eat or take home!There is no cost, but we ask participants to bring a non-perishable food or personal product item to donate to the Woodbine Food Pantry. This event will be held rain or shine! Parking is limited, so please carpool.
For campers, we will have a campsite decorating contest with the most creative site winning a camping coupon book for 7 nights FREE camping and a trophy! In exchange for providing enough candy for 300 children, campers will receive Saturday night camping free.
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