WINE WALK IN THE WOODS At the Park: Iowa the Beautiful 2023
SEP 12 2023 5:00 PM
Event Summary
Enjoy the great outdoors as you stroll through Oakland Mills on the park’s interior road. Sip some wine and browse local vendors, winery’s, businesses, and so much more! Check in at the shelter house in front of the Oakland Mills Nature Center. Preregistration is appreciated but not necessary. Those that preregister via by September 4th at 5 p.m. will receive a free Henry County Conservation logo cup! Adults 21+ only. Free will donations will be accepted for the live animal fund. A live educational animal will be on display at the registration table. This event is weather dependent so listen to KILJ 105.5 FM or check our Facebook page for changes or cancellations. FREE.
**Interested in hosting a booth at the Wine Walk? Contact assistant naturalist, Shania Hansen, at or call at 319-986-5067. It’s a great way to advertise your business and get some new customers!