OUT OF BEDROCK- ANNUAL NIGHT DRIVE NIGHT 1 At the Park Back to Basics 2022
OCT 03 2022 6:00 PM
Event Summary
Go back in time with the Flintstones and see how the earth and its inhabitants have changed throughout the years! Out of Bedrock is a two-night event. Activities are the same each night. Begin at Water Works Access Campground and Park, north of the Skunk River off Franklin Avenue. Be prepared for drive-in style instructions through your car’s radio once you reach the time machine. From that point, the show lasts about 20 minutes. The evening’s activities are educational and fun- not scary. All ages are invited with a participating adult. Listen to KILJ 105.5 FM or check our Facebook page for weather related announcements. While you wait in line, everyone in your car will be asked to vote for their favorite photo from this year’s annual photography contest. Eligible photos will be posted along the drive for voting before your travel back in time begins. FREE.