Kids Free Fishing Tournament
SEP 05 2020 7:00 AM
Event Summary
When: Saturday September 5th 2020 - rain date September 7th
Registration : Online or that day starting at 7am
Two age groups 12 and under and 13-18yrs old (over 16 years must have a valid fishing license)
Free Lunch for kids from 11a-1p (parents can purchase lunch for a free will donation)
Cash prizes for both age categories in: Biggest Catfish, Biggest Bass, Biggest Walleye, Biggest Perch, Biggest Crappie, Biggest Bluegill
Cash prize for the 12 and under group for Smallest Fish
A Lot of fun Door Prizes!
Tournament Rules:
Same day registration and check-in will begin at 7am. Mandatory 7:45a meeting for all participants.
Fishing will begin at 8am and end at 4pm
No boats or Kayaks, bank fishing only
Kids must catch their own fish to qualify
Fish must be alive when weighed to count
Leaders will be posted on a board as fish are weighed, and updated as changes accrue
Cash and door prizes will be handed out after all fish weights are tallied
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