Aquatic Habitats and Animals Nestling (5-6 year olds) Summer Day Camp
JUL 20 2021 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Iowa County Conservation will be offering some fun interactive in person summer day camps this summer!
This summer camp will be a Nestling for 5-6 yr olds. Campers will learn about aquatic habitats and animals through fun interactive activities. Come out to Gateway Park in Marengo for a morning of aquatic habitat and animal fun!
Summer day camps are limited to 10 campers, and all COVID-19 health and safety measures will be in place.
Pre-registration is required, to complete registration a ICCB Summer Camp Health / Emergency Contact / Covid-19 Disclaimer Form must be completed and turned in to See form on this page below.
Once all materials and payment is received, you will receive a confirmation email with additional information and details about camp.
Email with any questions.
Child - $11.00
Youth Camps