Self-guided Animal Tracks Trail
JAN 04 2021 6:00 AM
Event Summary
Come out to Lake Iowa Park anytime the park is open from January 4th through 31st, and take a hike on the self-guided animal tracks trail!
Have fun and enjoy the outdoors with this self-guided animal tracks trail. On your way around the trail stop at each sign and try to guess what animal is described on the sign by the clues and its tracks, then submit your answers to win a prize!
The trail starts right behind the Lake Iowa Nature Center and loops around the pond, and then back up to the nature center. It is handicap accessible and is only .7 miles long.
How to Enter:
Enter to win a prize by these two easy steps:
1. Email by January 31st with the answers to each of the 15 animals. If you don’t know the answer, no worries, just make a guess. The answers will be emailed back to you once your entry is received.
2. Post a picture of you or your family out on the trail on our Facebook page with the #lakeiowatrackstrail
Each entry will be entered into a random drawing for one of the prizes that are listed below. You may only enter one time.
You could win:
1st place - One free night camping at Lake Iowa Park, and one free boat rental
2nd prize - One free night camping at Lake Iowa Park
one free boat rental at Lake Iowa Park
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