Great Backyard Bird Count Day!

FEB 14 2021 9:00 AM

Lake Iowa Park , Iowa County

Event Summary

Join us at Lake Iowa Park to be citizen scientists and participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC)! 

We will have both indoor presentations and activities that will be outdoors during the day, see schedule below.

Indoor presentations will include: learning about the GBBC and what it involves, and Common Feeder Birds by avid birder Kelly McKay.

Bring a sack lunch if you will be staying for the afternoon outdoor bird count/hike at Lake Iowa Park.

Face coverings are required indoors.

Dress to be outside in the cold weather.

Pre-registration is required by email to 



Indoor at Lake Iowa Nature Center

 9-9:30a –What is the Great Backyard Bird Count?

9:30-11:30a – Common Feeder Birds with Kelly McKay

11:30-12p – Lunch (bring your own sack lunch)


Outdoor Activities

12-4p – Great Backyard Bird Count / Bird Hike with Kelly McKay


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