Lake Iowa Park Birding Day!

MAY 22 2021 7:00 AM

Lake Iowa Park , Iowa County

Event Summary

Do you love to watch birds and what to learn more about them? This spring and summer Iowa County Conservation will be hosting a series to introduce and promote birding!  It is called Building Better Birders Series, this series is designed to create a citizenry with better bird id skills and to promote participants getting involved with local citizen science projects.  We will be hosting three birding events as a part of this series.  Lifelong and avid birder Kelly McKay will be leading these workshops.  They will be a mix of indoor presentations and outdoor bird hikes.

For those events with more than one activity (presentation and a hikes) join us for some or all of the day. See event dates, times, and details below.  Face coverings are highly encouraged for indoor presentations. Pre-registration to is required

We hope to see you for this exciting birding series!

May 22nd 2021 at Lake Iowa Park and Nature Center


7- 9 am Early Am Birding Hike (meet behind nature center)

9:30-1130 Warbler PPT (basement of nature center)

1-3pm Sparrows PPT (basement of nature center)

3-7pm Lake Iowa Trails Hike (meet behind nature center)


Special Events