Summer Day Camp - Bird Storytime (3-5 yrs with an adult)

JUL 13 2023 9:00 AM

Lake Iowa Park , Iowa County

Event Summary

ICC is offering in-person outdoor summer camps where your children will explore and learn about nature. The topic for this Storytime is birds. Participants will listen to a story and do hands-on activities to learn about birds!  

This summer day camp is for 3-5 year olds who are accompanied by an adult.

All summer camps are $10 per child. 

After registration on this website is complete, the $10 camp fee and Health and Concent Form must be sent in order to hold a camp spot for your child.  The $10 fee and Iowa County Conservation Health and Consent Form (see link in this camp listing) must be downloaded and sent to: Iowa County Conservation, ATTN: Summer Camp, 2550 G Avenue, Ladora, IA 52251

Email with any questions.


Youth Camps

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