Kids Garden Day Camp - Care for It!
JUL 11 2023 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Would you like to teach your child(ren) about gardening? Join the Iowa County Master Gardeners and Iowa County Conservation this summer for a fun hands-on three part series: Kid’s Garden Day Camps!
Each of the three day camps will have different topics with hands-on activities for your little one(s) to learn about gardening. Participants will also receive kits with supplies to take home and continue what they have learned by doing some gardening at home. The topic for this garden day camp is caring for your plants.
This is a FREE family friendly program for kids 6 yrs and older, adults are welocme to attend but are not required.
After registration on this website is complete, an Iowa County Conservation Health and Consent Form (see link in this camp listing) must be downloaded and sent to: Iowa County Conservation, ATTN: Summer Camp, 2550 G Avenue, Ladora, IA 52251.
Iowa County Trasportation will be providing free rides to and from Lake Iowa Park. Transport is open to the public. Pick-up and drop-off locations will be the Marengo Public Library (pick-up at 8:20a and drop-off at 11:40a) and Williamsburg Public Library (pick-up at 8:40a and drop-off at 11:20a). An Iowa County Transportation Ride Request form (see link to download form in this camp listing) must be filled out and returned to: Iowa County Conservation, ATTN: Summer Camp, 2550 G Avenue, Ladora, IA 52251 in order to succure a ride.
Email with any questions
Youth Camps
Related Items
- Iowa County Transportation Ride Registration and Request Please fill out and return this form to reserve a ride from Iowa County Transpostation.
- Iowa County Conservation Health and Consent Form Please fill out and return this form.