Bookhuggers: Celebrating Aldo Leopold

JAN 11 2020 11:30 AM

Other , Iowa County

Event Summary

Bookhuggers: A Green Book Club will be celebrating the birthday of Aldo Leopold by reading "A Sand County Almanac." We will discuss the book while enjoying birthday cake and other snacks at the Williamsburg Public Library.

"A Sand County Almanac" begins with a monthly log of observations from a farm in Wisconsin. The book then moves to a section about different landscapes Leopold has visited across North America. In the third section of the book he discusses human use of the land. The final section is about the idea of "land ethic" and how humans should live in the world.

Aldo Leopold was an important champion for the importance of wilderness and wildlife. He believed that humans should be held to a higher standard of morals when it comes to the environment in which we live. Leopold wrote, “When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.”

Curl up this winter break and read "A Sand County Almanac" to prepare for the new year. You can start the year off by taking note of the little things that happen in the world around us.

Books can be picked up at the Lake Iowa Park nature center or arrangements can be made to pick up at the Williamsburg Public Library.

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