ICCB Summer Camp Take Home Kit: Nestling (5-6 yr olds) - Nocturnal Animals

JUN 14 2021 9:00 AM

Other , Iowa County

Event Summary

Iowa County Conservation will be offering Summer Camp Take Home Kits this summer. 

All kits will be FREE, and made possible by the Friends of Iowa County Conservation Foundation!

This summer camp take home kit will be for Nestlings 5-6 years old about the nocturnal animals.  Learn about the nocturnal animals via pre-recorded video and get a fun activity to do at home.

Kits will be distributed at Lake Iowa Park Monday June 14th from 9a to Noon. Virtual resources and videos will also be sent by email for the topics as part of the summer camp kits. Summer Camp take home kits are limited to 20 campers, and Pre-registration is Required. 

Pre-registration for summer camp take home kits will open on April 12th on this website.   

You will receive a confirmation email if the kits are still available with additional information about the kit pick up times and location. 

Email mbulger@co.iowa.ia.us with any questions.


Youth Camps