Conservation & Garden Seminar
APR 14 2018 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Sponsored by Jackson County Conservation & Jackson County Master Gardeners!
Topics include invasive species, mushrooms and vermicomposting!
Keynote Speaker:
Bernadette Williams,
Wisconsin DNR – Forest Health
“Everything You Need to Know About Worms”
Invasive worms? Harmless as a worm is the old saying, not in this case! Join
Bernie Williams for an hour and you'll be entertained and enlightened. Bernie
recently spoke at the Wisconsin Garden Expo in Madison to a standing room
only crowd about what she calls her
favorite subject, worms. She is an expert in this field and the knowledge she shares is outstanding.
Mitch Gravert “Harvesting Wild Mushrooms” Learn tips and tricks for finding and harvesting mushrooms this spring beyond just morels.
Jess Wagner "Vermicomposting" Learn how to set up a vermicompost bin to use worms to compost your food waste.
Free event! There will be refreshments and opportunities for gardening related questions.
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