Event Summary

HUNTER EDUCATION CLASS TO BE OFFERED   MAQUOKETA – Hunter education training is a form of life insurance – only rarely is anyone who has had such training involved in any kind of firearms or hunting accidents.   The Jackson County Conservation will sponsor a Hunter Education Course on Saturday, March 16th, at Hurstville Interpretive Center and Sunday, March 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Izaak Walton Clubhouse.   Residents born after January 1, 1972, must satisfactorily complete a hunter education course in order to obtain a hunting license.  A Person who is 11-years old or older may enroll in a course, but those who are 11 and successfully complete the course shall be issued a certificate of completion which becomes valid on that person’s 12th birthday.  Residents under the age of 12 can be issued deer and turkey licenses, but the youth hunter must be accompanied by a licensed adult hunter.  Such certification is mandatory before a hunter can hunt in Iowa and most other states and provinces.   Included in the training will be gun safety, information about firearms and ammunition, the role of the hunting in wildlife management and conservation responsibilities of the outdoors man, outdoor ethics, hunter preparedness, and wildlife identification.   Those successfully completing the course will receive a Hunter Education Certification card once they have successfully passed the on-hands and written test given on the last day of the class.  Students will have a chance to shoot as part of the class weather permitting.   For further information, and registration details, go to the direct link http://register-ed.com/iowa or through the IA DNR website www.iowadnr.gov .  Deadline for registration is Wednesday, March 13, 2019

