Roxie in the Wild
SEP 01 2010 12:00 AM
Event Summary
Calling All Families, Kids, Hikers, and Outdoor Enthusiasts! Travel with Roxie this fall in Jackson County!
Roxie is a resident box turtle at the Hurstville Interpretive Center. She was born in captivity and has never seen the ‘wild’. We would like you to take Roxie with you while explore the outdoors in Jackson County!
Here is how it works:
- Print a picture of Roxie (pdf below)
- You may want to paste it to cardboard so she doesn’t blow around.
- Explore any park or wildlife area owned or managed by Jackson County Conservation. Pine Valley, Buzzard Ridge, McNeil Preserve, Jackson County Recreation Trail, Hurstville Intepretive Center, and much more!
- Take a picture of Roxie—The picture can include a cool place you found, a pretty view, blooming flowers, you, or whatever you think is fun. Just be creative!
- We are looking for all kinds of photos. Send your photos to Label photos with your name, location, and date.
- Photo deadline is December 1st.
- Prizes will be awarded to the best photos with ‘Roxie in the Wild’!
- Selected photos will also appear in the winter addition of our newsletter and on our website!
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