OWL’s (Older Wiser Livelier) Aldo Leopold Foundation Day Trip

Event Summary

Join Dubuque, Jackson, and Jones County Conservation OWL’s (Older Wiser Livelier) group as we take a day trip to the Aldo Leopold Foundation and take of guided hike and tour of the Leopold shack. Famed as the “godfather” of modern conservation and the author of the influential “A Sand County Almanac,” Aldo Leopold is one of the famous figures in conservation. On Friday, May 27 we will take a day trip to The Aldo Leopold Foundation and take a tour of the Leopold shack. The shack is where Aldo Leopold wrote much of the Sand County Almanac. On our way home we will also stop by Pewits Nest State Natural Area to stretch our legs with a hike and see the glacially formed gorge and its series of waterfalls. This program is $5 per person. We will meet and the Hurstville Interpretive Center at 7:30 am and Swiss Valley Nature Center at 8:00 am to carpool and caravan. Limited carpooling is available. Come dresses for the weather. Bring a packed lunch and water bottle. OWL’s programs are open to all adults. 

To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leopold-shack-trip-tickets-288763097197


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