OWL’s (Older Wiser Livelier) Hamilton Prairie Walk

Event Summary

  Join Dubuque, Jackson, and Jones County Conservation OWLs (Older Wiser Livelier) group as we explore the natural beauty of Hamilton Prairie. On Thursday May 19 at 6 pm the OWLs will explore Ray Hamilton’s prairie located at the corner of Codfish Hollow Rd. and 288th Ave Maquoketa IA. Through a guided prairie hike we will look for and learn about native prairie plants. Hamilton’s prairie has been managed as a biological preserve for the past 35 years and is a shining example of a privately owned prairie. With a mixture of remnant and restored prairie Hamilton’s prairie will entrance plant lovers and give a glimpse into Iowa’s natural history. We will visit Hamilton’s prairie throughout the growing season. Other prairie walk dates will be June 30, August 18, and September 22. 


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