Physical Science Homeschool Series
OCT 17 2022 10:00 AM
Event Summary
Physical Science Homeschool Series
1st & 3rd Monday of the month starting September 19 and through May 2023!
At 10:00 AM at the Hurstville Interpretive Center (or other location depending on future topics)
Middle & High School students are invited to take part in a new homeschool series we are offering this school year. Learn more about various science topics in a fun and hands-on way.
Programs will be led by Dave & Sue Gossman of ChemRight Laboratories and Gossman Consulting in Maquoketa.
Monday, September 19 – What is Science
Monday, October 3 – Science & Agriculture
Monday, October 17 – What is Physics
Monday, November 7 – What is Chemistry
Monday, November 21 – What is Biology
Monday, December 5 – What is Geology
Future topics will be selected based on interest of students attending and any science standards they are wishing to cover.
We understand homeschool families have students in various grades, all are welcome for the programs, we just want you to know that the content is geared towards middle and high school students.