Event Summary

In celebration of National Pollinator Week and to increase awareness about the importance of insect pollinators, Jackson County Conservation, NRCS and Pheasants Forever are teaming together to host a Pollinator Field Day in Jackson County.

The field day will begin at 6:00 pm at the Hurstville Interpretive Center with a guided walk on the restored prairie. Participants will learn about pollinator programs for landowners, how to plant a prairie and prairie management techniques, and learn to identify native prairie flowers and grasses.

Following, we will head to Ray Hamilton’s property to tour a prairie remnant and continue the discussion on how to plant pollinator habitat. The field day will end at approximately 8:00 pm.

The Pollinator Field Day is free and open to the public. Please wear pants and hiking shoes. We encourage participants to bring any questions they have as well as share their stories of pollinator or prairie habitat improvement projects.

The Hurstville Interpretive Center is located 1 mile north of Maquoketa on Hwy 61. Ray Hamilton’s prairie is on 288th Ave, just north of the intersection with 35th St. For more information, contact NRCS at (563) 652-2337, ext. 3 or JCCB at (563) 652-3783. 


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