Earth Day Clean Up
APR 22 2017 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Not sure what to do with hazardous waste materials like paint thinners and pesticides? Do you have scrap metal laying around? Do you have unwanted or unusable crayons and markers? Bring them downtown to be recycled as part of a joint effort between Jackson County Conservation, Imagine the Possibilities, Waste Authority of Jackson County, and Jackson County Historical Society. The event will also feature kid- friendly recycling games and education!
Household (Drain cleaner, furniture polish, )
Automotive (Gasoline, cleaners, wax, brake fluid, body putty)
Home Improvement (Oil-based paint, stains, varnish, adhesive)
Pesticides (Moth Balls, Rat Poison, herbicide, insect repellent)
Misc (Pool chemicals, photo chemicals, artist paints, etc)
Unwanted crayons/markers
Scrap Metal (iron, copper, steel, aluminum, brass, wire)
Not Accepting
Household (batteries, light bulbs, electronics)
Automotive (motor oil, oil filters, antifreeze)
Home Improvement (latex- based paints)
Pesticides (industrial amounts)
Misc (clothing, housewares, medical sharps, general trash)
Other Location