Ozark W.A. Remnants and Restoration

SEP 07 2024 10:00 AM

Ozark Wildlife Area , Jackson County

Event Summary

Ozark Wildlife Area is home to some of the best remnant prairies, savannas, and open oak woodland in Jackson County IA. On Saturday September 7, at 10 am join Jackson County staff member, and Iowa Prairie Network Board member for a hiking tour of Ozark Wildlife Area’s remnant prairies. Tony will showcase the remnant prairies and the active ecological restoration areas present at Ozark WA. This tour will include rugged hiking conditions and participants will need to be able to hike in rugged, potentially hot, off trail conditions. Participants will meet at the Hurstville Interpretive Center, 18670 63rd St. Maquoketa IA Saturday September 7 at 10 am and will carpool to Ozark Wildlife Area. This event will be cancelled if inclement weather is expected. For registration or questions please contact Tony Vorwald at tony@jacksonccb.com or call (563) 652-3783. Register: 48 hours in advance. 


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