- Nevada, IA
Ashton Wildwood East Shelter
The Ashton Shelter is an outdoor open-air shelter. There is a fire pit located next to the shelter.
Check-In / Out Availability Check-in is after N/A and check-out is before N/A.
Location Located at the East end of the park at the end of the main entrance.
Hours of Operation & Seasons
All seasons from 5:00am - 10:30pm
8717 W 122nd St N
Mingo, IA 50168
5:00am - 10:30pm
Where You'll Be
Jasper County
The Jasper County Conservation Board is located in central Iowa and is criss-crossed by Interstate 80 just east of the Des Moines metropolitan area. Currently, the Jasper CCB manages 32 parks, preserves, natural areas, prairies and river accesses - encompassing some 2,702acres across the county.