Maquoketa Caves Adventure

JUL 14 2021 8:00 AM

Jefferson County Park , Jefferson County

Event Summary

 Pre-Registration Required-Entering 7th-9th Grade

Explore one of Iowa’s hidden gems! Participants will travel to Maquoketa Caves State Park for a day of spelunking. Hike, climb, and crawl through features of the park such as ‘Dancehall Cave’, ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’, & ‘Ice Cave’. Participants will need a change of clothes and a sack lunch. Camp will be limited to ten participants. Pre-registration is required. Camp is designed for participants entering 7th-9th Grade and has a registration cost of $40. Participants will meet at Jefferson County Park Nature Center before heading to Maquoketa Caves State Park. 


Please note:
You may only sign your child up for one camp during the month of April to give more participants the opportunity to attend.
We ask that adults do not attend camp as it allows participants to better explore and try new things.
Camps are set up for students who will be entering the listed grade during the summer.

Cancellation & Refund Policy
All Jefferson County Conservation events have a registration deadline of two weeks prior to the program start date. If you would like to cancel before the two-week window, you will be issued a full refund. Within two weeks of the program, no refunds will be given. To cancel a registration please call 641-472-4421 or email Brittney at

New Program Policies 

·         Program participants are asked to stay home if they have a fever of 100.4 or higher or have symptoms of COVID 19 or have been exposed to someone with COVID19 in the last 14 days.

·         Each program participant will be required to bring a mask from home with them to the program. All participants and staff are REQUIRED to wear a mask at all times while in the building.

·         During all programs, participants will be asked to Social Distance and every effort will be made to keep participants 6 feet apart when they are outside where masks are not required.

·         Every effort will be made to limit sharing of tools and supplies. Program tools and spaces will be sanitized at the end of each program, once participants have left the facility.

·         We are also requiring every participant to have a completed waiver in order to participate in this program which will be given to you prior to the program.

If a program participant refuses to follow the above guidelines, they will not be allowed to stay at the program. If this occurs, no refunds will be given.


Child - $40.00

