Beginning Birder Course: Session VI: Warbler Identification and Review
APR 23 2019 7:00 PM
Event Summary
ABOUT THE FIRST SESSION: Warbler Identification and Review - Led by Karen Disbrow, this class reviews warblers, among Iowa's most colorful birds, and helps students tackle the challenging identification of them by comparing and contrasting similar species.
ABOUT THE COURSE: The Iowa City Bird Club annually offers this 6-week Introduction to Birding Course at the Conservation Education Center in Kent Park. There will be six Tuesday evening sessions along with six weekend field trips to area birding hot spots.
Each evening session is $5 for adults and free for children. Iowa City Bird Club members receive free admission (a one-year membership to the club is $15 per family - or $10 for students - for a print subscription to the newsletter; there is a discount to $10/year for those that select email subscriptions). Participants may attend all sessions or pick one or more to attend. Advance registration is requested. Please call the Conservation Education Center at 319-645-1011 by noon of the Tuesday session. Handouts and refreshments will be provided. Come to class early and bird the 1/2 mile limestone path near the Conservation Education Center.