Adventure Seed Harvest
NOV 05 2021 12:30 PM
Event Summary
This program will start with a hike through the seldom-traveled primitive south half of Cedar River Crossing. We'll cross through a wetland area (possibly hiking through water up to knee high depending on water levels) then onto primitive trails with some poison ivy exposure. We'll spend our time harvesting Rose Mallow along a wetland. Rose Mallow seed will be used to enhance current wetland areas under JCC management or in the seed mix of new wetland restoration projects.
Volunteers should wear pants and boots/hiking shoes/rubber boots suitable for muddy wetland conditions, have a long sleeve shirt option, and should bring water, work gloves, and a pair of hand clippers if available.
*Harvesting prairie seeds is an easy way for people of all ages and physical abilities to take part in conservation volunteerism. During each program, volunteers will learn how to identify the one species of focus for the day before spreading out into the prairie (or around the prairie edge if desired) to harvest. Volunteers can enjoy mindful quiet time while harvesting, or use this as a great way to catch up with friends in a safe outdoor setting.