Papermaking at the Park - Part 1
JUL 28 2022 3:30 PM
Event Summary
This event is part 1 of a two-part series, be sure to register for both events!
Come enjoy channeling your inner artist while immersed in nature! Participants will learn how to make their own recycled paper with natural materials found at F.W. Kent Park! This event is a two part series and is designed especially for kids 7-13, but any age can sign up. Our first meeting will take place on Thursday, July 28th where participants will create their own recycled paper of varying color and texture. To allow proper drying time, participants will meet again a week later on Thursday, August 4th to retrieve their paper and make their own natural pigments to paint with! Pre-registration is required and space is limited; reserve your spot today!
Registration closes 24 hours in advance. If you are fully registered, you can expect to receive an email "receipt" from MyCountyParks after registration. You will also receive an email from the leading naturalist a couple days in advance of the program. If you do not receive these emails, you may not be registered; call 307-760-9233 for assistance in this case. JCC is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. We welcome and encourage people with disabilities to attend programs and events. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting naturalist staff at 319-645-1011 or