Building Better Birders Workshop Series - February 2023 Workshop
FEB 04 2023 7:30 AM
Event Summary
Want to learn more about birds? Join us for a full day of outdoor bird watching, a federal bird banding presentation, and indoor lectures. Please try to commit to the full day of activities.
Workshop Schedule:
Saturday, February 4th, 2023
Start Location: FW Kent Park, 2048, HWY 6 NW, Oxford, Iowa 52322
Session 1: 7:30 AM-9:15 AM Bird Hike (meet at Kent Park CEC parking lot)
9:15 AM-9:30 AM Break
at Kent Park CEC (classroom) Kent Park CEC (classroom)
Session 2: 9:30 AM-11 AM “Common Feeder Birds of Iowa” Presentation at FW Kent
11 AM-11:15 AM Break
11 AM-11:15 AM Break
Session 3: 11:15 AM-12:45 PM Lunch and “Woodpeckers, Doves and Similar Species
of Iowa” Presentation at Kent Park CEC (classroom)
12:45 PM –1 PM Break
Session 4: 1 PM –2PM Banding Presentation/Demonstration by Johnson County
Conservation and Mark Bowman
2 PM –2:15 PM Break
Session 5: 2:15 PM -3:45 PM “Milan Bottoms Bald Eagle Night Roost Survey”
Presentation at Kent Park CEC (classroom)
End Location: Hills Campground and Access, Iowa River.
3:45 PM –4:15 PM Commute to Hills Access Area on the Iowa River. Hills Access Area on the Iowa River, 1/2 east of the town of Hills on 520th St.
Session 6: 4:15 PM –6:30 PM Bird Hike (Bald Eagle Viewing) at Hills Access Area
on the Iowa River
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