Building Better Birders Workshop Series - September 2023 Workshop (Friday/Saturday)

Event Summary

Friday, September 22nd and Saturday, September 23rd, 2023

Friday location: Cangleska Wakan County Park, 4045 245th St., NE, Solon Iowa 52333

Friday Schedule:
Session 1: 7:30 PM-8:30 PM “Nocturnal Raptors of Iowa” Presentation at Cangleska Wakan
8:30 PM-8:45 PM Break
Session 2: 8:45 PM-10 PM Owl Prowl at Cangleska Wakan/Big Grove Preserve *please bring a flashlight or headlamp if you intend to go on the owl prowl*

Saturday location: FW Kent Park, 2048, HWY 6 NW, Oxford, Iowa 52322

Saturday Schedule:
Session 3: 7 AM-9:30 AM Bird Hike at FW Kent Park (Meet in the CEC parking lot)
9:30 AM –9:45AM Break
Session 4: 9:45 AM –11:15 AM “Diurnal Raptors of Iowa” Presentation at FW Kent Park (CEC classroom)
11:15 AM –12:30 PM Lunch Break *Lunch is on you own*
Session 5: 12:30 PM –2 PM Live Raptor Program by Raptology at FW Kent Park (CEC classroom)
2 PM –2:15 PM Break Session 6: 2:15 PM –3:45 PM “Midwestern Raptor Population Trends Using 40 Years of Christmas Bird Count Data” Presentation at FW Kent Park (CEC classroom)

