Building Better Birders Workshop
MAY 18 2024 6:00 AM
Event Summary
This free, all day workshop will take place Saturday, May 18th. Most activities will take place at or around the Conservation Education Center in Kent Park, followed by a guided birding hike at Cedar River Crossing at the end of the day. Come for as many or as few of sessions as you would like!
FW Kent Park, 2048, HWY 6 NW, Oxford, Iowa 52322
Cedar River Crossing, North Parking, 5473 Sutliff Rd NE, Solon, Iowa 52333
Session 1: 6 AM-10 AM Bird Hike (and Banding Demonstration with Mark Bowman) at the Conservation Education Center, F.W. Kent Park.
10 AM-10:30 AM Break
Session 2: 10:30 AM-Noon “Warblers of Iowa” Presentation at the Conservation Education Center, F.W. Kent Park.
Session 3: Noon -1:30 PM Lunch and “Flycatchers, Vireos, Swallows and Similar Species of Iowa” Presentation at the Conservation Education Center, F.W. Kent Park.
1:30 PM –2 PM Break
Session 4: 2 PM –3:30PM “Shorebirds of Iowa” Presentation at the Conservation Education Center, F.W. Kent Park.
3:30 PM –4:30 PM Break and Commute to Cedar River Crossing, North Parking.
Session 5: 4:30 PM –7 PM Bird Hike at Cedar River Crossing, North Parking.
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