Native Plant Series- Invasive Plant ID & Removal + Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

Event Summary

Build conservation practices at home by adding native plants to your landscape. Learn from local experts through a new Native Plant Series. Johnson County Conservation will host four native plant sales and a speaker series in the spring and fall of 2024: May 5, June 2, Sept. 8, and Oct. 6.  Native plants vendors are local Iowa companies, including Allendan Seed Company and Trout Leaf Native Plants. Vendors will be selling plant plugs. The Oct. 6 event will feature Troutleaf Native Plants. 

Program Schedule: 

  • 9:00-9:40 am- Native Plant Sale w/Troutleaf Native Plants
  • 9:40-9:45 am- Welcome & Introduction
  • 9:45-10:45 am- Invasive Plant ID & Removal w/Aaron Brewer
  • 10:45-11 am- Break/Shop Plant Sale
  • 11 am- noon-  Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow w/Andrew Dahl
  • Noon- 1 pm- Program ends but plant sale continues until 1 pm

Session Descriptions: 

Invasive Plant ID & Removal w/Aaron Brewer

What are those plants taking over my woods?! This session will focus on woody and herbaceous plant species commonly found in your backyard and woodlands. We will cover identification techniques and control methods for you to use on your property, and briefly cover native plant alternatives to help you improve biodiversity in your own ecosystem.  


Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow w/Andrew Dahl

 Come learn about the University of Iowa’s Arboretum from campus arborist Andrew Dahl with a focus on Oaks found growing there. 

Speaker Bios: 

Aaron Brewer:

Aaron is the Land Sustainability Coordinator at Prairiewoods Ecospirituality Center in Hiawatha where he tends the 70 acres of timber and prairies. His degree in Conservation Management from Upper Iowa University has led him to work with Trees Forever, Brucemore, AmeriCorps and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources where he has had the opportunity to control invasive species and restore native ecosystems here in Eastern Iowa. 


Andrew Dahl:

Andrew Dahl has been the campus arborist at the University of Iowa for the last 24 years. In that time, the University has achieved Tree Campus USA designation the last 15 years and became an Accredited Level II Arboretum through ArbNet in 2021.

The University of Iowa has over 8,000 trees, comprising over 350 species and countless cultivars in maintained areas of campus. Of note are two Conifer Reference Gardens as recognized by the American Conifer Society, a Literary Grove featuring trees with connections to famous authors at the world famous Writer’s Workshop, a Querceretum (oak collection), an extensive collection of gingkoes, and several current or former Iowa State Champion trees.  

Andrew first became an International Society of Arboriculture certified arborist 1995. He has been awarded Urban Forestry Professional of the year by both the Iowa Urban Forestry Council and the International Society of Arboriculture, the Award of Merit by the Midwest Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture, and Outstanding Advocate by Trees Forever.  

When Andrew isn’t busy working at the University arboretum he’s serving on several local and regional tree committees, looking for neat trees to visit, seeds to start, and people to talk trees with.


Thanks to partners & sponsors!

The plant sales and speaker series are being supported by the Johnson County Master Gardeners of Iowa. Thanks also to Hills Bank for their sponsorship of the Native Plant event series.

