Event Summary

Registration currently set to open May 1.

Calling all outdoor loving teens! This is the camp for you. We'll delve into different outdoor recreation activities each day, including archery, foraging, fishing, kayaking, and more! Each day will also include games and team building activities.

Dates: Tuesday - Friday, June 17 - June 20 | Times: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. each day

Cost: $100/child, pay online through MyCountyParks

Scholarships: Financial aid scholarships available, email jccnaturalists@gmail.com to inquire. 

Ages: Any student going into 6th through 8th grades

Lunch/Snacks: Students will be required to bring their own food for both lunch and snack breaks.

Policies: All registrations must be done online through MyCountyParks first. After securing a spot, the Participant Information Form must be completed for each participant and turned into JCC Education staff by May 16th.

Materials can be emailed to jccnaturalists@gmail.com or mailed to Kent Park, Attn: Naturalists, 2048 Hwy 6 NW, Oxford, IA 52322. 

Teens can be dropped off starting at 9:00 AM and must be picked up within 15 minutes after the end of camp. Drop-off and pick-up take place at the Youth Group Lodge in Kent Park.


Participant Information Forms (must be submitted by May 16th to jccnaturalists@gmail.com):


Child - $100.00


Youth Camps