Eby's Mill Artifact Labeling Work Day

JAN 19 2018 9:00 AM

Central Park , Jones County

Event Summary

In 2013 the Jones County Conservation Board and the University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist, with help from a team of AmeriCorps volunteers and dozens of local students and an area archaeologist, conducted a restorative excavation of a cave site at the Eby's Mill Wildlife Area.  Join Archaeologist, Bryann Kendall, on January 19th to help label artifacts, including many animal bones found during the excavation and cave restoration.  Bryan will discuss what the artifacts tell us about life for the prehistoric peoples who inhabited the cave periodically over the last 3000 years.  Volunteers should pre-register by calling 319-481-7987 or email naturalist@co.jones.ia.us by 4 PM, Thursday, January 18th.  Sign up for all day or choose a time slot to come that works for you.  Lunch is provided.


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