River enthusiasts heading downriver from Pictured Rocks can now take out at the newly updated Eby's Mill River Access, located on the east side of the Eby's Mill Road, just downstream of the bridge, on the left side of the river. This project was made possible by a 3 acre donation from Tom Barry.
In addition to a new ramp, Eby’s Mill now also contains 9 vehicle-trailer or vehicle-vehicle parking spots, and 25 single vehicle parking spots. Overflow parallel parking is also available along the entry drive. Two of these parking locations are handicap accessible – one vehicle-trailer and one single vehicle. All are connected to the ramp and an informational kiosk via a sidewalk. The kiosk will show maps of the area, images of local game fish, rules and regulations, and the tremendous group of donors it took to make the new access possible, including: Thomas Barry III, Matt and Beth McQuillen, Ohnward Bank and Trust, Chris Nelson, Wade Wamre, the Jones County Board of Supervisors, DNR Water Recreation Access Cost-Share Program, DNR Water Trail Development Program, and the Grant Wood Loop.
Improvements to this river access were completed in the Fall 2022. The access is still suitable for kayaks, canoers and tubers. Signs are posted at the entrance.
Located on the east side of the Eby's Mill Road, just downstream of the bridge, on the left side of the river.
As a picturesque, major river flowing through Jones County, the Maquoketa River has never had two hard surface access points connected within the county. Hard surface access points assist river enthusiasts with accessing the water with their boating equipment, in addition to providing a stable site for safely entering and exiting their equipment. Pictured Rocks to Eby’s Mill is the stretch of river with increased accessibility. Both now contain a hard surface ramp (Pictured Rocks – local quarried stone, Eby’s Mill – concrete) and stabilized shoreline to allow safe usage during a large variety of river levels.
4 am - 10:30 pm daily
10:30 pm - 4 am daily