Scotch Grove Prairie

Discover Scotch Grove Prairie in Monticello

Once farmland, this area has become 69 acres of restored prairie and seasonal wetlands. The project was undertaken in 1999 by the Twin Rivers chapter of Pheasants Forever and is now owned and managed by the Jones County Conservation Board.  Author of a “Prairie Reunion” and native resident, Barb Scot, sold these 69 acres at a discounted price with the agreement that the area be restored to tall grass prairie.   

Scotch Grove Prairie is now home to a variety of prairie flora including big bluestem, Indian grass, switch grass, side-oats, gray headed coneflower, wild bergamot, black eyed Susan, and pale purple coneflower among many other reemerging species. Waterfowl and other wildlife can be found amid the tall grass and marsh basins. 

The Scotch Grove Prairie is ideal for the nature photographer, bird watcher, or prairie enthusiast. Hunting is allowed during permitted seasons.  Please note that hunting is not allowed when the nearby church is in session. 

Scotch Grove Prairie is located two and a half miles south east of Scotch Grove.  Follow the brown arrow head signs off of County Road E-17.  Visit for more about Jones County Conservation.


Map of Scotch Grove Prairie with Trails

Restored prairie and wetlands offer hiking, hunting, and nature appreciation.